
Character Synopses

Name: Ryga
Age: 21 (500)
Gender: Male
Nickname: Ry
Personality: A happy-go-lucky kind of guy, but he is serious when it comes to teaching his students.  He is the kind of guy who likes to pull pranks, but not as much as Lyle does.
History: Ryga ingested some Water of Life unknowingly while drinking water from a stream in the year 1531.  After figuring out he was immortal, Ryga researched how it happened, started his personal pain training, found other immortals, and started his school for immortals.
Goal: To find as many immortals as he can, teach them, and help them realize their purpose in life.
Immortal's Mark: Over his heart

Name: Machi
Age: 19 (19)
Gender: Female
Nickname: Chi
Personality: A happy person, cheerful all the time.  She is very determined and just seems to fit in.  She tends to change the subject of conversation abruptly, but it doesn't seem to phase her at all.
History: Chi had just finished her last day as a freshman at college.  She was walking with her friends in the rain when she started catching raindrops on her tongue.  There was some Water of Life in one of the raindrops, but Chi and her friends obviously didn't notice.  Chi and her friends went their separate ways and started walking back toward their houses.  When Chi was crossing the street, a car suddenly hit her.  Chi regained consciousness to find her damaged body regenerating itself and the car that hit her nowhere in sight.  Chi started to go into shock, but a man calmly walked up to her and explained that she had become immortal.  Chi was confused, but the man explained the whole situation to her.  He introduced himself as Ryga, insisting that she come back to his private school with him.  Still traumatized, Chi agreed to go with him when he said that he could help her.  She is the sixth person to join Ryga's school.
Goal: To work through her pain training and find her life purpose.
Mark: On the back of her neck

Name: Randell
Age: 25 (466)
Gender: Male
Nickname: Randy
Personality: He is knowledgeable due to his age and experience, so he has a special authority position in Ryga's school.
History: Randy is the first person to join Ryga's school.  Ryga found him and convinced him to join 441 years ago.  Randy ingested a drop of the Water of Life during an attempted drowning by an unknown assailant.  After hundreds of years of completing missions assigned by Ryga, he found that his purpose was to rescue people that are in danger, as that was what he was best at.
Goal: To rescue as many people from dangerous situations as possible.
Mark: On his left bicep

Name: Scarlett
Age: 24 (331)
Gender: Female
Nickname: Scar
Personality: She is mature, headstrong, and very frank with people.  She sometimes gets sad when she can't remember something.
History: Scarlett is the second person to join Ryga's school.  Most of her past is unknown to everyone, including herself.  She also has a huge scar on her back that won't heal, even though her immortality powers should get rid of it.
Goal: To heal her scar, find out about her past, and find her purpose in life.
Mark: On her right palm

Name: Lyle
Age: 18 (290)
Gender: Male
Nickname: Loki
Personality: He is a prankster, even more so than Ryga.  He usually is stealthy and concocts elaborate and lengthy pranks.  S
trangely, his pranks usually involve self-bodily harm.
History: Lyle is the third person to join Ryga's school.  He ingested a drop of the Water of Life while drinking an unknown substance on a dare.  Lyle met Ryga and found out he was immortal when one of his pranks got out of hand and "killed" them both.
Goal: To be the winner of the First Strike of Stealth Week or Stealth Week itself every year.
Mark: On his right forearm

Name: Eliza
Age: 12 (243)
Gender: Female
Nickname: 'Liza
Personality: She acts childish, but doesn't like being treated like a child.  She tends to stick out her tongue a lot, especially at Lyle.
History: Eliza is the fourth person to join Ryga's school.  She ingested a drop of the Water of Life while drinking a glass of water.  Eliza met Ryga and joined his school after he saved her from her burning orphanage.  She takes the missions that only a child can do because of her apparent age.
Goal: To earn the full respect of everyone at the school.
Mark: On the front of her tongue

Name: Miya
Age: 17 (83)
Gender: Female
Nickname: Blood Raven
Personality: She is listless most of the time, showing barely any emotion.  Deep down she cares greatly for everyone.
History: Miya is the fifth person to join Ryga's school.  She ingested a drop of the Water of Life when she breathed in some falling snow.  Miya accepts the most dangerous missions possible because she has a congenital insensitivity to pain.  This means that she cannot feel any pain at all.
Goal: To avert the pain of other immortals as much as she can.
Mark: Below her left eye

And several more hidden characters, including the secret antagonist!

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